blog @blackninja23
Keep It Simple, Stupid image

CYSEC CTF - Keep It Simple, Stupid CYSEC CTF was organized by CYSECNG .This CTF was good thanks to organizers. Username blackninja23 from my team UdomCyberClub. I was first blood to root this good ...

Hancliffe image

Hackthebox - Hancliffe Enumeration Starting off with a nmap scan: nmap -sC -sV Starting Nmap 7.92 ( ) at 2022-03-07 19:38 EAT Nmap scan report for Host ...

Urchinbank image

Urchinbank Machine Writeup UrchinSec CTF MMXXII was organized by urchinsec under tahaafarooq,trustie_rity,nicl4ssic,0xlilith666c,tzanonima with prices of The XSS Rat Full House Bundle Course by the...

Forest image

Forest Machine involve dumping usernames of account via msrpc and by checking for Asreproasting for any account and found one of account has it and with cracking of hashes of that account and go...

Active image

Active hackthebox is windows box, it involves CVE exploit of CVE-2014-1812(MS14-025) in which it involve dumping password via smb that was introducing via GPP(Group policies preferences) and wit...